Friday, April 2, 2010

Fat Kid Rules The World

Author:K.L. Going


Publication Information:Putnam

Plot Summary: Troy Billings is big, really big. We first meet Troy as he contemplates jumping in front of the next subway train. But before he can make a decision, he is interrupted by a filthy young man sitting on subway floor. This boy turns out to be Curt MacCrae, amazing musician, sometimes student and local legend. Over lunch, Curt and Troy begin a friendship that revolves around drumming, punk rock, and believing in yourself. Curt convinces Troy to be a drummer in his band, and slowly coaxes Troy out of his "fat kid" shell. Meanwhile, Troy learns about Curt's own dysfunctions and insecurities. Curt saved Troy's life in the beginning of the book, can Troy save Curt's later on?

Critical Evaluation: K.L Going has hit gold in the character Troy Billings. As the narrator, his voice is simultaneously funny, self-deprecating, heartbreaking and endearing. His imagined news headlines (that always have to do with his wait), add both humor and gravity to the protagonist's point of view. And Troy isn't the only likable character in the book. Curt is another delightfully well written character, and the reader can't help but root for them both. Set in Manhattan, Going creates a realistic urban jungle for Curt and Troy to work their way through, from grimy punk bars to Troy's spotless apartment. Going's brilliant narration and plot makes this a book that should be recommended to almost all teen readers.

Reader's Annotation:Troy is fat. Troy doesn't belong... until he meets Curt. Curt and Troy, the unlikeliest of friends who set out to rule the world, or at least Manhattan.

Author Information: K.L. Going was born and raised in New York (the state, not the city), and currently lives in Glen Spey, NY with her husband and step-daughter. She is the author of seven YA titles. Going is the recipient of a Printz Honor for her debut novel, Fat Kid Rules the World. She is currently employed full time as an author, and has an unhealthy obsession with ketchup. (Information taken from author's website

Curricular Ties: Health


Book talking ideas:

  • If Curt was your friend, how would you address his drug addiction? Was Troy right to talk to his father?
  • Troy gets extreme stage fright during his first gig. What would you do if you were Troy? Would you try to play or run away? Did Troy do the right thing by giving up?
  • Troy's Dad and brother give Troy a hard time about his weight. How would you interact with your family in the same situation?

Challenge issues:Drugs

  • Familiarize yourself with the book and its contents.
  • Check the library for specific policies on challenged books.
  • Check the ALA website for advice on how to respond and react when a book has been challenged. (
  • Find positive reviews from reputable websites.
  • Ask the challenger for their specific objections and try to address them using information from the above research.

Interest Age:Grades 8 and up

Why I selected this piece: This book came highly recommended by the local teen librarian at my library. Because San Francisco is similar to New York in its urban landscape, I think this book is realistic and can be influential to a lot of kids in the city. I wanted to read a variety of books that I could recommend to friends and teens in San Francisco.

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