Friday, April 2, 2010

Estrella's Quinceañera

Author:Malin Alegria


Publication Information: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing

Plot Summary:Estrella Alvarez has been going through a lot of changes, she has won a scholarship to a prestigious private school and has made a new group of friends. Things seem to be going well for Estrella, except for the fact that she is embarrassed by her family, friends and neighborhood. She tries to keep her two circles separate, but it isn't really working. Her old friends are frustrated at Estrella's distance, and her new friends are always doing things Estrella can't afford. When Estrella's Mom and her Tia Lucky want to throw her a quinceañera, they want to have a big traditional party, and want Estrella to invite all her friends, old and new. Estrella doesn't know how to balance what her old friends and family want, and what her new friends expect from her. Can Estrella please everyone, including herself?

Critical Evaluation: This is a fun, easy read that puts a unique spin on the typical chick lit, coming of age tail. Estrella is a good main character who is at a crossroads in life. Like many girls her age, she is begin to make new friends and grow apart from old ones, and struggles to maintain and keep all of her relationships, whether new or old. She is also torn between crushes, and liking the boy she is actually attracted to, or trying to like the boy that her friends said was right for her. Many girls will relate to Estrella's story, her battles with her family and fights with her friends, and is an especially great read for Chicana teens who will laugh at some of the authors bon mots in Spanish (or sometimes, Spanglish). Highly recommended for middle school and early high school teen girls.

Reader's Annotation:Estrella doesn't want a quince, but when her mother and Tia Lucky insist on throwing a quinceañera, Estrella tries to plan a simple party. Unfortunately, Tia Lucky and Estrella's mother have other plans.

Author Information: Malin Alegria grew up in San Francisco's vibrant Mission district, and attended the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she received her undergraduate degree and MA in education. She has been employed as a teacher, dancer, performer and consultant. She has published two books and has had her work included in several anthologies. She currently lives in New Mexico (information taken from the author's website

Curricular Ties: Cultural Development

Genre:Urban Life, Chick Lit

Book talking ideas:

  • Why did Estrella not want a Quiñceanera?
  • Why did Tia Lucky write her daughter out of her life?
  • Why wouldn't Estrella introduce her mother or her family to her new friends? Was this the right on wrong thing to do? Why or why not?

Challenge issues: N/A

Interest Age:Grades 7 and up

Why I selected this piece: This book was recommended to me by my local branch's librarian. She said that is was especially popular with the Chicana teens that frequent the library, so I thought I'd check it out.

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