Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rolling Stone



Publication Information: Wenner Media

Plot Summary: This magazine was originally geared towards music and bands, and has since switched gears to include celebrities, movies, books, pop culture and major political events. It does, however, still give a significant amount of its space to music, interviewing musicians and bands, reviewing new albums and recapping concerts and festivals. It usually has one big interview with whomever is featured on the cover, and a section to review new albums, movies, music and more. It also includes articles on some sort of current event, from the U.S.'s involvement in Afghanistan to major election coverage.

Critical Evaluation: Although not specifically focused for only teens, this is very popular among the teen set for its focus on popular music. This magazine is edgier than female teen based magazines, like Seventeen or Teen Vogue, and is not geared specifically to females, and boys and girls alike will enjoy this magazine. The magazine focuses on mainstream artists, which the majority of teens will most likely be familiar with, and will enjoy their interviews and photo spreads. Overall, this is a good mainstream magazine that will satisfy teens with a wide variety of pop culture interests, from music, movies, television, books and current events.

Reader's Annotation: Read about your favorite bands and the hot newcomers that are bursting onto the scene.

Curricular Ties: N/A

Challenge issues:N/A

Interest Age:Grades 8 and up

Why I selected this piece: Music is very important in teen culture, and this magazine covers popular music.

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