Friday, April 2, 2010

Frogs and French Kisses

Author:Sarah Mlynowski


Publication Information:Delacorte Books for Young Readers

Plot Summary:Rachel isn't a witch, but her sister Miri, and her mother are. But being the sibling of a witch isn't all its cracked up to be. Her mother, who used to be a nonpracticing witch, started using a little magic to jump start her dating life. She went a little overboard and now has more men that she can handle. Her sister Miri, is so concerned with saving the world that she hasn't had time to do her homework. On top of that, prom has been canceled and Rachel's high school has suffered extensive damage due to a magic spell gone wrong involving Miri and a heard of cattle. Can Rachel straighten out her sister and her mother while simultaneously saving prom?

Critical Evaluation:While Sarah Mlynowski's book isn't going to change lives or save the world, Frogs and French Kisses (and the other books in the series; Bras and Broomsticks, Spells and Sleeping Bags and Parties and Potions) is the perfect beach or summer read for younger teen girls (think 7-9th grade). Sometimes girls just need a frothy, easy read, and Mlynowski writes the perfect book to escape into for awhile. Nothing too serious or heavy, Frogs and French Kisses is a great recommendation for girls that just want to read something fun.

Reader's Annotation: Rachel's sister Miri is a witch that wants to save the world. Rachel isn't and just wants to save prom.

Author Information: Sarah Mlynowski was born in Montreal Canada, and received an undergraduate degree in English Literature from McGill University. She is an author of both adult chick lit novels and teen novels. She has contributed to several adult anthologies, and worked with teen authors E. Lockhart and Lauren Myracle on the book How to be Bad. She currently lives in New York City. (Information taken from the author's website

Curricular Ties: Current Events

Genre: Fantasy, Chick Lit

Book talking ideas:

  • If you had magical powers, what would you do with them?
  • Is it fair for Rachel's mom to use magic to date men?
  • If you could do one thing to save the world, what would it be?

Challenge issues:N/A

Interest Age:Grades 7 and up

Why I selected this piece:Sarah Mlynowski is very popular among the teen girl set, and is an accomplished adult chick lit author. I wanted to see what the hype was all about.

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