Sunday, April 4, 2010

Scarlett Fever

Author: Maureen Johnson


Publication Information: Point

Plot Summary:The sequel to Suite Scarlett puts Scarlett Martin back as the protagonist working for the eccentric Mrs. Amberson as she reinvents herself as a talent agent. Among other things, some of Scarlett's job duties include walking a crazy little dog Murray, fighting with Mrs. Amberson's doorman, and perhaps the hardest task of all, babysitting and befriending Mrs. Amberson's latest client, Chelsea, a teenage Broadway star (who is currently acting in a Broadway flop). In Scarlett Fever, Scarlett continues her pseudo relationship/obsession with Eric, and starts a new friendship/relationship with Chelsea's brother Max. The rest of the gang is also back, with Spencer struggling with new found fame as an arch villain on a super successful TV show, Lola is adjusting to married life with an uber rich family, Marlene is well, Marlene, and Scarlett's parents are busy trying to keep the Empire hotel up and running.

Critical Evaluation:Maureen Johnson once again creates an engaging read. Scarlett may not land in the YA hall of fame of best written characters, but she is written as funny, smart and with just enough teenage angst to be believable. Overall, she knows that she has a pretty great family, and while things don't always go her way, she seems to appreciate what she does have, her friends and family. Her relatively sunny (even when she whines, she comes across as relatively endearing) makes this book a feel good read without being cheesy. This book may be fluff, but it is well written fluff. The biggest problem with the book is the abrupt ending. The resolution seems forced, with a set up that all but guarantees another title in the series. This is not a book that cannot be read on it own, readers will definitely want to read the first book in the series, and most likely the next book, when it is released.

Reader's Annotation:Scarlett and the Martin family are back and up to their usual antics. Scarlett is in for a wild ride as she continues to assist Mrs. Amberson in her new career as a talent agent. Life may be crazy, but it is never boring.

Author Information: Maureen Johnson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is an only child. She attended college at the University of Delaware, and graduated with a bachelor degree in writing, she went on to study writing and theatrical dramaturgy for graduate school at Columbia University. She has also spent time in Edinburgh, Scotland while on a writing fellowship. She is currently living in New York, working on a new collections called Zombies vs. Unicorns. (Information taken from the author's website

Curricular Ties: Theater

Genre: Contemporary life, chick lit

Book talking ideas:

  • Why is Scarlett so obsessed with Eric?
  • How would you deal with Chelsea's mom is you were Chelsea?
  • Why does Max try so hard to annoy Scarlett?

Challenge issues:n/a

Interest Age: Grades 7 and up

Why I selected this piece: Suite Scarlett was a fun read, and I wanted to see what comes next in Scarlett's life.

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